An American Werewolf in Paris
We went to Darling Harbour today by taking a ferry from Circular Quay.Honestly, it's not as good as we thought it's going to be (Sorry, Sydneysiders!). The worst part was finding lunch, we couldn't find anything interesting to eat in Harbourside. After circling the place starving, we settled for Japanese and it was crap! From Darling Harbour, we made our way to Chinese Garden of Friendship. When we found out that we had to pay to see the
garden, we almost cancel it (we're such cheapskates, we want everything for free), but then again, we were there anyway, so why not see it. After wonder around in the garden for a while, we found a place to hire Chinese dress (or whatever you call them coz I had no idea) and decided to give it a go. The outcome was amazing, we had fun walking around with the costume and had the best time that day. The other visitors decided to make the most of it taking
picture with us. "Ni hao you mind if we take picture with you?" and I don't even speak Chinese! Here I am, a partly Dutch Indonesian girl whose studying in Perth and went to Chinese garden in Sydney (What the...?), sounds like An American Werewolf in Paris....only longer and more complicated. This whole fiasco made me feel like Bugs Bunny in Movie World! Some people even tried to take our pictures with paparazzi style (without asking and when I looked at them they ran away). A little boy
dressed up as Chinese emperor had his photo taken with us (at his grandparents request), too bad my sneakers were showing from underneath my dress. Oh well...
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